Friday, May 1, 2009


The Holocoust was obviously a very bad event in history. 6,000,000 jews were killed for no good reason at all. The video that was posted on the website was really informational. It had survivors talking about their expeirences which is un-imaginable to most of us. It's really sad to think about all the people that were tortured to death for standing up for their believes. Adolf Hitler was a very messed up man for many reasons obviously. One because he wanted to kill all the non blonde hair blue eyed people when he himself had dark hair and dark eyes. I don't know how so many people followed Hitler in all his wrong and horrible desicions. But also you have to look at all the people who spoke out against him. They are the people we should be honoring because they were not conformist like the rest of them. Their actions took great courage because most of them knew they were most likely going to be captured by the Gastapo and killed in the concencration camps. These people should be recognized as true Heros.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Gossip analogy.

 The gossip analogy was really accurate. It is impossible to pick up all the feathers that have blown outside in the wind, just like it is impossible to stop gossip once you have started it. I would describe gossip to someone else as a huge waste of time. To the people who gossip, do you not have anything better to be doing instead of making stupid and untrue things up about people you barley know. Gossip is the number one thing I really hate. When someone gossips they get a bad reputation and soon no one will want to be their friend. For the people that the gossip is about can often ruin their self esteem and make them feel horrible. Also the people will never forget it. The rumors said about them will always be in the back of their heads. One way to make people stop gossiping, my mother told me, is to say something good about the person they are making fun of and they will stop. I found that this works really well because I have done it numerous times. I really wish people would just grow up and stop making stupid things up. : ]

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Grunge Music

 I chose grunge music for my project. I chose it because someone had already taken Heavy Metal. But I like grunge a lot as well. In my project I really wanted to emphasize the band Nirvana and their impact on grunge music. They were the band to make grunge very popular and well known. With Kirt Cobain as their singer it made the band power over all the other grunge bands that were trying to make it big. He has an amazing voice that fits grunge music perfectly. You can say that it kind of matches the  distortion of the guitar. Nirvana inspires me greatly when I play the guitar. Their music is really inspires everyone who listens to their music. So Nirvana is the reason why I chose grunge music.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Easter break.

 My Easter break was fun for the most part. It was nice being able to sleep in for a couple of days. Most days id have to wake up early for Softball Practice or games so that took up a lot of my time. Other than softball I spent a lot of my time with my family and friends. On Easter almost my whole family came to my house to eat. It was really fun because everyone is really outgoing and amusing. My mom put easter eggs filled with candy in the yard for my 4 year old cousin and 2 year old niece. It was really cute to watch them collect all the eggs and get excited when they open it. So Easter break was good. : p

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


This quote is important to me because it reminds me to go on with my life dispite all the hardships , because in the end  you learn from your mistakes and it makes you stronger. This quote is for anyone who has been through ruff times, which is most of us. This qoute also tells us to not give up on yourself. It is a simple, easy to understand quote but it's difficult to get to the point where you become stronger, but it teaches you to keep moving forward.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Easter has always been a really fun holiday for me. Especially when I was younger because my parents would always take me to a big easter egg hunt. It used to be my favorite holiday because of all the candy I would get. My family and I go to mass every Easter. Sometimes we attend the Easter Vigil, which is really long, but it's fun to go and watch people get baptized. Now since Im older there isn't as much joy as their used to be. But now I am able to watch my little niece do the the easter egg hunt. My favorite thing about Easter is that we don't have school for two weeks.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

future job

My ideal future job is to help children and babies. I would really like to be a nurse that helps  children and/or babies.  I have also thought about the idea of being a niku nurse. A niku nurse takes care of the new born baby when it is first born. I understand that there are a lot of emotional aspects of this job, but I feel that despite the hardships I would face I would really feel like Im making a difference. If this doesn't work out for me I think I might want to be a dentist. But my ultimate goal is to help children. I also would like to work at a children's hospital, such as St. Jude. I would really enjoy making the children feel better and get them laughing. If I knew that I made a child happy for the whole day it would allow me to feel self accomplishment, and it would make my day better as well. So hopefully I'll have enough strength to do a job that requires emotional hardship. 

Service project

For my service hours I have been working at Lake View Museum with the summer camp program. I found out about this thru the park district book. I have done it for two summers and I only need an hour  more to complete my 100. I think i will end up working a week longer so I can get even more hours. At the camp I help little children do their activites and I watch them when they go outside.  Last year when I helped I was working with two of my best friends. Our job was to go around the classrooms and give the children their snacks. It was really fun and easy because once we were done we just had to wrap sandwiches for lunch and we were done for the day. I really liked working with the kids, and I hope to do the same this summer.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Paul Harvey

Paul Harvey was an American radio broadcaster for the ABC Radio Networks. His listening audience was estimated at 22 million people a week. What made him so popular was his dramatic pauses, quirky attitdue, and his folksiness. A large part of his success came from the seamlessness with which he spoke through from his monologue into reading commercial messages. He became the most successful when he moved to Chicago whereHarvey was named Salesman of the Year, Commentator of the Year, Person of the Year, Father of the Year, and American of the Year. He was elected to the National Association of Broadcasters Radio Hall of Fame and Oklahoma Hall of Fame, and appeared on the Gallup poll list of America's most admired men. Also he received 11 Freedom Foundation Awards as well as the Horatio Alger Award. Paul Harvey was named to the DeMolay Hall of Fame on June 25, 1993.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Movie Pod cast.

Currently we are doing pod casts on our favorite movie. I chose the movie Click. Today I wrote the script from my memory because I just watched the movie last night. Tomorrow im gonna work on recording my voice to make the pod cast, and then add pictures and music to it. This project has been pretty fun so far even though I'm not that far into it yet. Hopefully it will turn out good and how I expect it. Im kinda scared of how my voice will sound during it though because I don't want it to sound like I'm reading from something. So hopefully this project will turn out good.

Thursday, February 19, 2009


See Explanation.  Clicking on the picture will download   the highest resolution version available.
Explanation: As the Sun heads South, crossing the celestial equator today at 1:37 a.m. Eastern Time, Autumn begins for Earth's Northern Hemisphere. This Autumnal Equinox finds an increasingly active Sun steadily approaching a solar cycle maximum expected around the year 2003. The solar activity cycle is driven by a periodic winding up of the Sun's internal magnetic field. This colorized picture is a mosaic of recent ultraviolet images from the orbiting TRACE satellite sensitive to light emitted by highly charged iron atoms. Growing in number, the intricate structures visible are the Sun's hot active regions with temperatures over a million degrees Fahrenheit and their associated magnetic loops.

Citation: Nemiroff, Robert. "Autumn and the Active Sun." Active Sun. TRACE,team Nasa. 19 Feb. 2009 .

 I choose this picture because it shows what it looks like when the season is changing to Autumn. I was born on the first day of Autumn and my Mom almost named me Autumn. So i thought it was really intresting because we are not able to see how this looks like on the Earth. I also chose this picture because its really cool to see it ultraviolet.  Astronomy is also very intresting because its cool to see how the the different planets look.  Earth looks pretty cool from outerspace. Earth is my favorite planet. The sun is also my favorite star because it keeps us warm and living. 

Thursday, February 12, 2009


 My favorite type of music is 80's rock and metal. The reason why i like this music is because i grew up with it. My sister would always listen to bands like Guns n' Roses and Metallica. She is the reason why I love Metallica so much because she would always blare it in her room and i could always hear it through out the house. Also the band Metallica inspired me to play the Guitar. Their music is so unique that you can tell its them playing as soon as you hear the opening riff. They have never changed their music for people, it has always been the same and thats what i love about the band. James Hetfield, the vocalist and one of the  guitarist, has a big influence on me when i play the guitar. Also Lars Ulrich, the lead guitarist is another person that i can look up to. These two are simply amazing.  Lastly , Dimebag Darrel of the band Pantera, will have an ever lasting influence on me.  RIP.

Sports media

Many athletes have gotten into trouble from drug uses, such as steroids. I think that sometimes the media goes to far into the athletes  personal life.  Although sometimes it is important to tell the people the reason why they are not able to participate in their sport anymore. But when the media wont let it go, they end up getting more information about it and making it a bigger deal that what it actually is. As far as Michael Phelps goes, i feel really bad for him because he has worked so hard and has come along way, and one picture can ruin everything for him. Hopefully the Judge will look past his bad mistake and look at how great of an athlete he is. 

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Housing crisis.

The housing crisis is becoming a threat to many Americans today. With morgage prices rising it is becoming very hard for some people to pay their bill on time, or even at all. The government therefore takes their house if they are not able to pay for it. This is bad and good because some people are just to lazy to get a job and they dont have their priorities straight, or they dont know how to manage their money. For others who actually work for a living and that are trying to do their best are the people i feel sorry for. I think that the government should help those people find a house that they can afford at the time being. But all in all the housing crisis is not a a good thing , and its becoming a growing problem.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Power Jam

 I really do not like following along with the Power Jam movie in P.E class. I personally would rather be playing basketball with the boys in the gym. Instead, all the girls have to go into the smelly wrestling room and do Power Jam. I think that its really pointless to do it because your not doing anything except punching the air. We would be getting more exercise if we could play basketball in the gym. Also, most of the girls do not even participate in it. So i really hate doing these Power Jam videos. They are a waste of time and energy.


 The inaugural events of the past week were very special. They were more special than the past inaugural events because it is Americas firs Bi-racial president. Since being the first Bi-racial president everyone is in awe and has high hopes that President Obama will help fix the economy and help end the war with Iraq. I think that Obama was promised he would do a lot for our country, but former President Bush said the same thing when he was elected. We all know what Bush did for America. So I dont think it is right that all the people are praising Obama because he hasn't done anything to prove to us he will make these changes except for getting elected. With that being said , I do have hopes for Obama to fix our country but im not going to get to excited about him just yet.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Golden Globe Awards

The 2009 Golden Globe Awards were very interesting this year. Many deserving actors and actress were awarded. Such as Heath Ledger in his role of the Joker in "The Dark Knight". Also Kate Winslet had two Golden Globes. She won the Best Actress Award in her role in "Revolutionary Road." Also she was awarded Best Actress in a Supporting Role for " The Reader."  The best Motion Picture Award went to the movie , Slumdog Millionaire. The other nominees were The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Frost/Nixon, The Reader, and Revolutionary Road. In my opinion I think that The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button should have  won. The actors in it did great and they really perceived the movie well. All in all the I think that the Gloden Globe Awards was a success because all of the right Actors won the awards they deserved.